Lei Day

May 1/2015:


Rob Moore baptizing Max Ramos • Hope Chapel Kalanianaole, Hawaii


Happy Lei Day! 🌺🌸🌺🌸🌺🌸🌺🌸🌺 . In Hawaii, May 1st is not only May Day but also Lei Day!

Along with celebrations of flowers all over the islands, people also go out of their way to celebrate someone’s special event with a flower lei. They are a symbol of aloha (love, greeting, hope).

One of the things that Rob loved to celebrate was most passionate about was salvation and baptism. He loved to not only lead people to the Lord as their Savior but also to walk with them through that outward expression of their faith by baptism. Whether it was a 3am submersion in our swimming pool after a night of biblical discussion, being called to a friend’s house to do a dunking in a filled jacuzzi tub (awesome night, Kaulana!) or Sunday afternoon dip in ocean, Rob believed that once you believed that there was no reason not to be baptized immediately.

He and I were completely transformed at baptism and set on fire for God. Rob loved to see the process repeated in others and would crown the event with a floral lei. Happy Lei Day!! 🌺🌺🌺🌺.

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